New test equipment for powered air purifying respirators

We present a new product in our line - Silica Dust test equipment for determining the dust resistance of HEPA filters of powered air purifying respirators in accordance with the requirements of the NIOSH standard and procedure RCT-APR-0025-508.

Test equipment for laboratories

Silica Dust test equipment is an excellent tool for an R&D laboratory, a commercial laboratory, a laboratory based on a certification and accreditation body, or a research institute.

With the help of Silica Dust test equipment, you will receive objective data on the quality and safety of RPE, which will help developers and manufacturers obtain a certificate of conformity and sell their products on the US market, commercial laboratories, accreditation and certification bodies - expand the range of services and attract new clients, and research institutes - improve and develop new standards and programs.

Test Equipment Management

Laboratory technicians will be able to quickly and easily master the control of new test equipment through a convenient and intuitive application on a personal computer (PC).

Processing test results

Silica Dust test equipment has a high level of process automation, so after running the test you can do other tasks. The results for subsequent analysis are presented in graphical and tabular form, stored in the application database and accessible only to you.

Making the laboratory more convenient and attractive

The lightweight and ergonomic design of Silica Dust test equipment meets all the requirements of NIOSH, and does not require complex and radical preparation of the laboratory for the installation of new equipment - only a sufficient amount of space, a power source of 230V, 50 Hz., easy maintenance during operation.

Useful links

Silica Dust test equipment is already actively used by our client - a developer and manufacturer of PAPRs from China. Case details here.

In this article, we provided an overview of the requirements of the NIOSH standard and described how PAPRs are tested.

Find out more about the product in the brochure.
